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Dental Care Tips for Diabetics

Individuals with diabetes need to pay special attention to their oral hygiene to prevent infections, especially when their blood sugar levels are not well controlled.

Preserve your smile by taking control of your diabetes.

Due to dental plaque being primarily composed of bacteria, its accumulation can lead to gum inflammation if not removed. This inflammation increases your susceptibility to oral health problems.

Individuals with diabetes face greater challenges in combating bacterial plaque, making them more prone to gingivitis, which is characterized by redder and swollen gums, increased sensitivity, and bleeding during brushing. Untreated gingivitis can progress to periodontitis, a more severe infection that damages the supporting bone of the teeth, leading to tooth loss.

Conversely, gum disease can influence blood sugar levels. That's why brushing your teeth after meals and regularly using dental floss are crucial, especially for individuals with diabetes.

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